Yesterday was a little bit rough. It seemed as though I didn't have time for any juice at all. I know I had at least two, and a full blown meal. I was so drained after work that I needed something more than just the usual juice. I also went and bought a pitcher that holds 64 ounces and one of those reusable cups with the straws so that I won't have anymore excuses not to have juice in the mornings before work.
Today work went very well. I only ended up downing orange juice in my new cup on the way to work (at 5:30am). I also had a lot of water, which helped curb how hungry I actually was. I had more energy today than the last few days. I'm not sure if that is due to the juicing, or if it's due to anything else. I didn't really get very much sleep.
This evening I am going to work on the juice for my pitcher. That's how busy it's been. hehe... I did go to the store this afternoon and picked up another $20 in produce. I am going to try some new combinations. I bought a purple cabbage, some jalapenos, and some various peppers, and along with herbs such as cilantro and parsley I believe I can come up with some nice variations. I am going to maintain some of my more normal juice in the pitcher, though. If I happen to come up with something that tastes exceptional, I'll be sure to share it. (I doubt that there's anything that hasn't been done already, but such is life.)
So, it's day five, and I still haven't had any soda! I almost grabbed one to purchase at work today and stopped myself and bought water instead. I was happy with that decision because it gave me the energy I needed to finish working without crashing. I had a very sensible lunch today and will be doing juice for dinner tonight. I think I'll try something with the jalapeno!
Titan is still sticking to his juice fast pretty good. I know that he has been concerned about protein and such, so he has been eating cottage cheese and beans. I certainly can't fault him for that! He works in a kitchen in one of the restaurants in Sparks, so I can only imagine how difficult it is for him to not think about eating while at work so much!
Please feel free to leave comments about what you've read. If you're a juicer, have juiced before, or even if you haven't, I'd love to hear from you! Besides, motivation comes from within, encouragement comes from without!
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