Saturday, September 14, 2013

Welcome to Juicer's Corner!

I would like to kick this off first by saying, welcome to Juicer's Corner!  No, this isn't about steroids, but about this strange thing called "juice fasting".  I'd heard of fasting before, but when I was a kid, that usually meant we were allowed water and that was all.  This not so new thing known as juice fasting was brought to my attention last night by my boyfriend, whom we'll call Titan.  This blog is about our adventures with this juicing program.  The description says that it will be a two week adventure, but that is just to start. I believe that if we can make it through that first two weeks then we'll be able to go the entire distance.

How did we hear of this?  Titan had gotten off work and went singing at a casino in downtown.  I was to pick him up after I got off work, which wasn't until very late.  When I arrived he was talking to the KJ about weight loss. I know.  An odd thing to be discussing, but all things happen for good reasons, no?  Apparently, the KJ had lost over 70 pounds in a few months doing this juice fasting thing.  He had seen that documentary on Netflix "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead".  The KJ swore by this method and highly recommended that Titan and I view this movie, which we did and found very motivational. 

Now, I don't need to lose 70 pounds, and I am well aware of the dangers of losing weight that quickly.  I do not think that  I will lose a lot of weight with this, although I definitely could stand to lose quite a bit! Titan, on the other hand, is quite a large guy who could stand to lose at least 70 pounds if not a bit more.  And, I don't say that out of anything other than someone who loves her boyfriend and wants to see him healthy and around for a very long time.

I'm sure there are a lot of people who will say, well, don't forget to exercise, and how do you expect to get your protein while you're doing this, etc....  but, the truth is that there is a decent amount of protein in the fruits and veggies that we plan on juicing, so I am not terribly worried about it.  As for exercise, we both get a fair share during the day although I will admit that there could be a bit more.  I have a bad hip that prevents me from doing a lot of high impact stuff right now, but Titan will be having access to a gym with a pool, so perhaps lap swimming is in my near future!

Below is a picture that I found online (and happily borrowed) that displays a list of benefits from juicing:

Now, I don't know about any of you, but I could use help in just about all of those areas.  Especially improved nail strength.  My job takes its toll on my nails in general, and no matter how many times I use nail strengthener on them, they still manage to chip and break. 

Some of the negative aspects of doing this is the fact that for a few days one feels hungry as hell until the psychological and physical aspects of the new process kicks in.  I can speak for both Titan and I when I say that hunger causes us both to get irritable.  No one wants that, but it's a necessary evil and one that we are both okay with facing in order to become all on the above list.

So, thus begins our journey with this juice fasting experiment.  Coming up...


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