This entry comes a little bit early in the day, but later on this evening I will be out with friends with no time to blog. So, here goes.

I learned something new today about the Reboot juice fast plan. The 80/20 rule. This rule for weight loss says that the juice intake should include 80% veggies and a mere 20% fruit. I saw this and my mind sank a little. I am not one for consuming a ton of veggies and my juice this morning definitely didn't contain an 80/20 mix.. lol! That's okay, though. Live and learn. I do have plenty of veggies and leafy greens on hand so future juices will be better balanced.
This morning's juice consisted of an apple, plum, strawberries, collard greens and an orange. Yeah, definitely 80/20 in the wrong direction.. lol... It tasted good, though.
This afternoon's juice contained collard greens, celery, apple, plum, strawberries, grapes and ginger. The ginger really gives it a tasty zing.
Tonight I am going to go heavier on the veggies. Carrots, spinach, tomatoes (which is considered a veggie on the reboot website), apple and perhaps some grapes or strawberries. Next time I go shopping, I am going to get a little more adventurous with my veggies. I wonder if a mushroom will go through the juicer?
Okay, fine. That's what I'm eating, but how am I feeling? Three words: Cranky. As. Hell. hehe... I know that it is only temporary and that the hunger pains will go away and the irritability will also subside after a few more days. Titan woke up this morning feeling cranky, too. He felt better after having his juice this afternoon, though.
So, I jumped on the scale this morning just to see if there was a difference.
Onyx's Weight: 238
I'm not putting any stock in that right now, though. It hasn't been long enough to really get a good judgment, though. I'll reweigh myself this coming weekend.