Admittedly, we did not do a ton of research before beginning this fast. That is usually my
modus operandi when doing things anyway. We were excited just to get this party started. This morning we had watched the previously mentioned movie on Netflix, "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead". To sum it up, it is basically the story of an Australian man who came to the States for 60 days and did nothing but drink juice that he juiced himself and talk to Americans about what he was doing. It was quite an inspirational movie. This man was on all sorts of medications for various things and overweight. By the time he was done, he wasn't overweight anymore and he didn't need any of the medications, either!
Well, I'm not on a lot of meds, but my boyfriend, Titan, is on a few. I'm sure that after this juice fast (that will likely last more than just two weeks) is done, he will not need to be on anymore medication, either.
With regards to the lack of research on this project, I figured that we will learn as we go. We did read some things online about the benefits and the side effects, which are minimal except for some irritability due to hunger in the first few days. I have a friend who saw my first facebook post about this fast and she called me really excited. She is into this sort of thing and has offered her support and encouragement and even some herbal remedies to help with any toxins that might build up but not expel. (Sorry, that one thing that we talked about last week sounds absolutely horrid.. lol!)

Day 1 was really good. We had finished watching that movie this morning and went straight to the store to buy a juicer and fruits and veggies to mangle. We took the juicer and produce back to his house and began by making 40 ounces of this really icky green compilation of carrots, collard greens, apples, celery, grapes, ginger, oranges and romaine lettuce. I'm sure there was something else in there, but there were so many things in this concoction that I've forgotten them all.. lol..
I was very skeptical about drinking juiced up collard greens and romaine lettuce. I barely eat veggies as it is. And carrot juice? Oh heaven's NO! hahaha... Well, this was one of the best mixtures of salad stuff I've ever drank in my life. We stuck ice cubes in our glasses and it made for a perfect lunch. He made himself one more before I took him to work.
After I dropped him off at work I went and bought a second juicer to use at my house. I also bought more produce even though we split what we bought earlier in the day between us. Below is a picture of the items I used in my first alone concoction. It is the
Strawberry Shine recipe from
Just On Juice.
The above ingredients alone made over 20 ounces of juice! I didn't finish it all, but it tasted really good.
So, with all good beginnings, I am going to give a few measurements regarding my beginning stats.
Onyx's Weight: 241 according to my brother's scale. (Ouch! I thought I was lighter than that!)
I don't have a tape measure to measure anything else, but I'll post a few pictures of us sort of as a "before" look. No, we decided not to do actual before pictures where people take from all sorts of ungodly angles.... lol... And as for Titan's weight, well, I didn't get the go ahead to post his weight, but let's just say it's a good amount.
Onyx Day 1 |
Titan Day 1 |
Well, wish us luck. I know we will need it. I'm hungry already!